The Benefits of a Bucket List

The notion of a “Bucket List” often brings up thoughts of death. However, a Bucket List isn’t and shouldn’t be all about dying. Ticking things off a bucket list is an opportunity to have fun, make amazing memories and learn new things.
Today, the meaning of a Bucket List has broadened to encompass goals or milestones people want to achieve by certain ages. So, whether you're 18 years old or aged 90, healthy or ill, it's never the wrong time to create a Bucket List.
Everyone should have a bucket list.
Writing a bucket list makes you stop and consider what you actually want to achieve and experience in this lifetime. In this way, they can provide hope and support our curiosity about all sorts of things.
When should I write a bucket list?
No matter your age, the best day to start writing your bucket list is today. For most people, a bucket list is a living document. That means it’s never truly finished in its creation nor its execution.
For this reason, it’s best to carefully document all your greatest wishes and desires in a medium that is highly accessible and easily edited. You might like to keep the list on your smartphone, tablet, PC or even an old fashioned piece of paper.
What should a bucket list include?
Bucket lists are almost always selfish, as they include personal goals that you wish to achieve in life. For example owning a dream car or home, or curating a collection of art. It’s also common for bucket lists to include holiday destinations, skills, experiences and activities you would like to accomplish prior to kicking the proverbial bucket.
Some people might also include charity work on their bucket list. For example, hosting an event or participating in a challenge to raise money for a cause close to their heart.
How to write a bucket list
Writing a bucket list might seem overwhelming to begin with. Here are four steps to get you on your way:
1. Dreamstorming
The first thing you need to do when creating your Bucket List is to ‘dreamstorm’.
Dreamstorming is a combination of dreaming and brainstorming and it allows your mind to think freely. You're not allowed to edit for feasibility or possibility in dreamstorming so shoot for the stars!
2. Childhood goals
When composing your list, begin with the more achievable goals. Then, consider all the activities you wished you had done as a child but never had the opportunity to do. For example, did you always want to learn to play an instrument or fly on a trapeze? Spend some time thinking about these childhood dreams, then you can decide whether you’d still like to achieve any of these goals.
3. Talk to family and friends
The next step is to chat with family and friends for further inspiration. The whole point of a bucket list is to create a list of things you haven’t done, or maybe haven’t even thought about yet. There are truly no limits to what a human is capable of achieving in their lifetime so do not hold back.
Plan a timeline to complete your bucket list
Depending on your personal circumstances, you may aim to complete one goal a year, whilst others may opt to tick off their lists as quickly as possible.
To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the length and depth of your bucket list, consider prioritising your list. Look at all of the listed items and determine whether they are short-term, long-term or something else. Unless you know you have limited time on earth to achieve your bucket list, don’t feel pressured to tick everything off as quickly as possible.
In a similar fashion, you may wish to categorise your list into activities to be performed alone or with others. Perhaps you have someone in your life who can be your bucket list buddy?
Take your time
Although it may be tempting to consider crossing off every item on your bucket list, the goal of a true bucket list isn’t necessarily to finish it. It’s to keep it growing, and to enjoy each experience along the way. The best lists are constantly evolving. So, strive to maintain the never-ending, bucket list mindset to live a life free of regrets.
Wrap Up
Writing a bucket list can help you to focus on important goals and achievements. In this way, a bucket list can help you to live a more meaningful life. But, it’s important to remember that for most people, achieving everything on the list isn’t what’s most important. A bucket list should be constantly updated, because it's true purpose is the enjoyment and fulfilment experienced along the way.
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