Funeral Director: Why DIY Funerals Don’t Work

Choosing the services of a funeral director and avoiding DIY funerals is crucial when planning a funeral.
Funeral Director: Why DIY Funerals Don’t Work

Unfortunately, the DIY movement doesn’t work very well for DIY Funerals. Those who would prefer cremation to avoid funeral costs don’t understand that a funeral director or planner is necessary to plan both a cremation or burial.

In this article, we explain why a funeral director is necessary when planning a burial or cremation and why DIY funerals don’t work.

What is the role of a funeral director?

The role of a funeral director is to handle the details and logistics of funerals. Funeral directors work directly with the deceased's family to determine the place, date, time of wake, memorial service, and burial.

They also take care of other details, including whether the body should be buried, entombed, or burned. Because funeral customs differ by culture and religion, this decision is crucial. In addition, funeral directors help with important paperwork associated with a person's death.

These documents include the paperwork necessary to gain a death certificate that’s mandatory for probate. Furthermore, some funeral directors will guide families with their insurance claims.

Finally, funeral directors are also responsible for embalming the deceased.

Can you arrange a funeral with a crematorium?

Government regulations and policies don’t make it easy for those wanting to plan a DIY funeral. Regulations vary from state to state, with various challenges, but generally, families who wish to skip the funeral direction must apply to their local cemetery for a permit.

However, once you receive the permit, you may face the possibility of the cemetery or crematorium refusing to deal with anyone other than a funeral director. Therefore, it’s almost impossible even after deciding to plan yourself.

It’s also important to note how emotionally taxing it is to plan the funeral of a loved one at the expense of cutting costs. The cost of a funeral director adds a layer of convenience to ensure you don’t have to add more stress to an already emotional and overwhelming time.

Why are funeral directors more crucial than ever?

Funeral directors are more crucial than ever because people want guidance more than customisation or tradition. For them, losing a loved one is a complicated process, and a funeral director can help guide them beyond just arranging the deceased's final services.

They typically act as a steward for the living, guiding them through a complex web of options and decisions. Funeral directors also provide guidance, comfort, and compassion to the family.

Funeral directors are trained to oversee the disposition of any deceased person, regardless of the type of disposition chosen by the family. This part of death can be distressing for most, so it’s best to leave it with those who have experience in the field.

Wrap Up

When in doubt, using the services and expertise of a funeral director adds peace of mind to an already emotional and stressful time. We recommend avoiding DIY funerals and confirming your loved ones funeral wishes.

It’s also a good idea to tell your family if you have a funeral bond or have pre-paid for any funeral expenses. These expenses can be a burden and sometimes the reason for deciding to skip out on the services of a funeral director.

Start writing your online Will today to make sure your funeral wishes are understood.

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