How to write a Will in the time of COVID-19

With COVID-19 taking up so much of our energy and our lives right now, it’s more important than ever that we think about our long term plans and what they mean. We do have a lot of stress and worry about the future now, because things are a little more uncertain and a little more complicated. With many parts of Australia locked down and people unable to visit their families and loved ones, it’s hard to imagine how we can come back together, but in the meantime, it’s vital that we consider what we want to plan for, and how we want our families taken care of.
Writing a Will during COVID is a good move, because it gets everything into its place and it's a way of sorting out your intentions. If you want to get started, it couldn’t be easier.
The first step should be talking to your loved ones
We recommend this as the starting point for anyone thinking about writing their Will. Have a think about what you want to do and then talk about it with your loved ones; this is going to be a plan that will impact and affect them, and it’s important to make sure we aren’t treating death and your estate as a taboo topic. Open communication can help with all kinds of problems down the track, and it can even bring families closer together.
Writing a Will online is the easiest way to get it done
If you’re concerned about current affairs right now and you’ve had some conversations about what your Will should look like, the best thing to do is get started writing a Will online. You’ll need to have some information assembled first and make some key decisions, but it’s a straightforward process that you can complete in 20 minutes. It doesn’t necessarily mean hiring an expensive lawyer or losing time and energy!
First, you’ll need to identify your assets, property and the contents of your estate. This will allow you to start distributing your assets according to your wishes and plans. Taking stock of everything as a first step gives you the options you’ll need to be able to make difficult or complicated decisions. It can also inform how complicated your Will needs to be.
After that, your Will is as simple as assigning beneficiaries and executors and going through the platform to write it out. The final step is getting it witnessed and signed, which turns your Will into a legal document that will be binding. Have a think about the best place to store your Will and then let your Executor know what you decide. The whole process can be quick and painless, without friction or stress. We have enough of that right now!
COVID-19 has been hard, but keeping your focus on what matters can help
With a strong focus on keeping your affairs in order and on building plans for the future as best you can, you’ll be able to weather some of the difficulties. Your financial health is going to be important, and estate planning is the key to finalising everything and ensuring that you are in good shape.
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