Joint Wills and Mirror Wills - what's the difference?

Creating a Will with your partner
Dave Kaplan's profile picture Dave Kaplan 1 MIN READ
Joint Wills and Mirror Wills - what's the difference?

Thinking about making a Will with your partner? We are often asked about the difference between Joint and Mirror Wills, so today we're breaking down both options.

What is a Joint Will?

Also known as a Mutual Will, a Joint Will covers the estates of two people in a single legally binding document. This would involve appointing the same executor and beneficiaries within the one legal Will.

When one partner passes away, their estate is automatically left to the surviving person and cannot be updated.

This can make life difficult for the surviving partner if they choose to remarry or their circumstances change and they need to update their Will. For example, if the executor passes away or an asset listed in the Will no longer exists, the Will cannot be updated or changed

What are Mirror Wills?

Mirror Wills are two separate documents where two people can create almost identical Wills and leave everything to each other (or their chosen beneficiaries).

For example, you would both select the same executor (such as a trusted family member or friend) and leave your estates to the same beneficiaries – therefore ‘mirroring’ each other’s Wills

As they are two separate documents, this allows the Wills to be updated if required (unlike a joint Will).

Note: as Mirror Wills are separate documents, they can be updated by one partner without notifying the other person.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. This blog should not be relied upon as legal, financial, accounting or tax advice

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