The top 3 misconceptions about writing a Will - debunked!

You’ll be surprised with the misconceptions we frequently hear from people; here are three myths about Wills that we’re debunking to set the story straight once and for all.
I don’t need a Will because I don’t have assets
It’s the number one dilemma we break down for our customers - you don’t need to be wealthy or hold a hefty number of financial assets to need a Will.
If you have access to a bank account, mortgage, or even super, among other everyday financial necessities, you need a Will. Chances are, your loved ones will have a much easier time sifting through the assets you leave behind if you make a Will ahead of time.
Writing a Will is also a simple way to ensure that your hard-earned money goes to the individuals that matter to you the most (better than your money being inaccessible to them altogether, right?). That’s one less thing for your family to stress over during a difficult time like the passing of a loved one.
Wills are expensive.
No, they really don’t have to be! Traditionally, an individual would consult a law firm or government department to help them put together a Will, which once cost hundreds of dollars for a Will and Power of Attorney. We created Willed to make writing and purchasing a Will as easy and cost-effective as possible. We cut out all the legal and financial jargon nonsense most people associate with Wills to give you value for money and the ultimate peace of mind.
I don’t need to appoint a guardian for my underage kids; my loved ones know my wishes as is.
It’s all well and good that you’ve discussed with your family and friends who you’d want to be the primary caregivers of your underage children if you passed away. However, wouldn’t it be safer and more reassuring to know that the ones you care about will follow your wishes exactly and not just through passing verbal agreements?
When you pass away, a lot of uncertainty and disagreement between family members could be avoided if you were explicit in your Will about your wishes. After all, we know that the wellbeing of your kids is of the utmost importance to you. With a Will, you can safely and securely arrange your children's caregivers legally so that you feel confident in your choices.
So, have we cleared up some of those niggling myths you might have had about Wills? If you’d like to find out more about writing and purchasing a Will with ease, ask our knowledgeable customer service team those hard-hitting questions on 1300 945 533 or email us at today.
Disclaimer: The content of this blog is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. This blog should not be relied upon as legal, financial, accounting or tax advice.
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