Time to Include a Charity in your Will

Willed are encouraging Australians to create a better world with charitable giving in their Wills.
Time to Include a Charity in your Will

Willed is proud to partner with over 100 of Australia's favourite charities this Include a Charity Week (2-8 September 2024).

Held annually in September, this collaborative week-long campaign encourages more Australians to make a lasting impact on causes they care about by including a gift in their Will to the charities of their choice.

Imagine leaving a legacy that continues to care for the causes close to your heart. Writing a Will is one of the most important steps you can take to secure the future for your loved ones and the charities you cherish." - Aaron Zelman, Co-Founder of Willed

Many Australians are unaware that they can support charities through their Will. Include a Charity Week seeks to change this by raising awareness about the power of gifts in Wills.

These gifts, also known as bequests, play a crucial role in funding charities.

By participating in Include a Charity Week, you have the opportunity to shape the future for a wide range of causes, from medical research and environmental conservation to social welfare and education.

"This week significantly raises the profile of Charitable Gifts in Wills, prompting supporters to consider charitable contributions when drafting their Will." - Tammy Cohen, Partnership Manager at Willed

Remember, leaving a gift in your Will to charity doesn't mean neglecting your loved ones. You can balance supporting your family and making a charitable impact. Every gift, no matter the size, helps to building a better future for everyone.

Ready to Include a Charity?

This Include a Charity Week, consider the legacy you want to leave. Write your Will this week and use code IAC50 at checkout for a special 50% off your Will.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. This blog should not be relied upon as legal, financial, accounting or tax advice.

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