Top Tips for the Executor of a Will

So, you’ve been named as the executor of the estate. If you’re willing to take on the role, here are some tips to consider, first.
Top Tips for the Executor of a Will

Managing an estate as an executor can be complex and demanding. Balancing family dynamics, communication responsibilities and personal commitments alongside the duties of your day job can feel overwhelming. Seeking support from experienced professionals can alleviate this burden, ensuring smoother navigation through challenging situations and allowing you to prioritise your well-being and family needs.

From staying organised to keeping communication lines open, here are our 5 best tips for acting executors to try for themselves. 

1. Seek help from the pros

This one’s an easy decision to make. Not only will a lawyer reduce stress, but they can also advise you on what to do if complex legal issues arise. (Plus, advising the beneficiaries that you have sought out legal advice will likely make everyone feel more at ease.)

2. Stay organised and have everything in writing

As an executor, it’s best to have all communications in writing, via email. If you’re having in-person or phone conversations, be sure to draft up clear and detailed notes during and/or afterwards, so you have a clear paper trail of everything that has gone on. Additionally, it’s worth taking some time to create an organised filing system. Whether this is in digital or physical form – or both – this will be the difference between a clear head and a cluttered one in the long run. 

3. Keep communication lines open

As part of your role as executor, you are obligated to keep beneficiaries in the loop. This means regularly checking in to let them know what stage you’re at in the process, getting in touch when you need more information and/or updating them when necessary. The beneficiaries are more likely to respond well and you are likely to avoid familial conflicts and disputes through this beautiful thing we like to call transparency.

4. Remain objective

Like a journalist or a jury member, your role as an executor is to remain impartial and to see the whole picture. It’s important to avoid personal bias and any conflicts of interest. If you notice any of this come up, be sure to seek legal counsel who will be able to advise you on the next steps.

5. Take care of yourself

Lastly, remember that your mental and physical health is the most important thing, now and always. So, take breaks, seek out professional support if you need it and create boundaries so you’re not on the clock as the official executor, say, at a family birthday celebration, when you’re just trying to enjoy a glass of Chardonnay!

Wrap up 

Now that you have our top 5 tips up your sleeve, it’s time to put them into practice! And if you still need help, remember that professional support is your best bet. 

Need a hand? Here at Willed, we have partnered up with Australian Unity who offer executor services. We've made it easy to nominate Australian Unity quickly and easily with-in the Will-writing journey. Start today at

Disclaimer: The content of this blog is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. This blog should not be relied upon as legal, financial, accounting or tax advice.

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