Traditional Funerals in Australia

Traditional funerals are a common funeral type in Australia. To learn if it’s the right fit for you.
Traditional Funerals in Australia

Planning for after death can be a stressful experience. Thinking about what type of funeral you want is a part of that planning. Traditional funerals in Australia are the most common type of funeral that people choose.

We've put together a guide on traditional funerals in Australia to help you understand whether a traditional funeral is a good fit for you.

What is a traditional funeral?

A traditional funeral is what most think of when they hear the word funeral. It includes three major components include a visitation or viewing, a formal service and a burial at the gravesite. While these components are common, traditional funerals don’t always follow this formula. Instead, you can customise your funeral to however you like by requesting specifics in your will.

What is a visitation or viewing?

Viewings are an opportunity for family and friends to come together before the service and burial. Sometimes the casket will be open at a viewing, and sometimes it will be closed.

Viewings typically last around 1 hour and are usually held the night before the funeral service.

Traditional Funeral Service

Traditional funeral service is a common component of traditional funerals. These are typically held at the funeral home or a church. The casket sits at the front of the room while friends and family gather around to hear speeches, eulogies and prayers.

When the service is finished, the coffin or casket is carried out to the hearse, where it’s taken to the cemetery for the burial at the graveside. You can modify a funeral service to fit you and your loved one's needs.

Graveside Burial Service

The graveside burial service, also known as a committal service, is held at the graveyard directly after the funeral service. Friends and family make their way from the funeral home to the cemetery in a procession known as a cortege.

After friends and family gather around the open grave, the casket is partially lowered into the ground. Afterwards is the committal and then the coffin into the ground. Finally, the family can scatter earth and flowers in the grave.

The final burial service and coffin lowering is typically the most confronting and emotional time through the traditional funeral experience.

Choosing a Funeral Director

When planning your funeral, you choose to invest in a funeral bond which is automatic savings towards funeral expenses or pre-pay for a funeral. Of course, there are advantages to both, but regardless, you should consider choosing a funeral director to help plan.

Funeral directors handle a lot of the details that go into planning a funeral, including transporting the body to the morgue, funeral home, and gravesite. Finding the right funeral director will depend on the price and their services.

Wrap Up

Traditional funerals are by far the most common funeral type in Australia. This is because they have a clear structure and allow time for your family and friends to mourn. But choosing a traditional funeral depends on how you want to be farewelled and remembered.

Start writing your Will online and let your loved ones know what type of funeral you would like.

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