Latest Australian Law guides
We understand that dealing with the practicalities of death can seem overwhelming and complicated. It's common to have some questions. That's why we have written these simple guides, minus the legal jargon.

An Enduring Power of Attorney allows you to appoint someone to manage your financial and health affairs if you lose mental capacity.

A medical treatment decision maker makes decision on your behalf when you lose the capacity to do so yourself.

Power of Attorney is an important document that gives a trusted person the power to make decisions on your behalf.

When writing your Will it can help to be prepared and know what you need before getting started.

How to appoint a legal guardian in your will

Our pets are more than just cats and dogs; they’re closer to family members.

What happens to your superannuation if you die?

When you're writing a Will online, the most important step is to select a beneficiary.

Everyone is entitled to make a Will - as long as they have the capacity to make the necessary determinations!

We know what it’s like to worry about the future. Having a Will makes a difference.

When you go through changes in your life, it’s important to recognise that they will need to be reflected in your Will

Essentially, this is a term that describes your closest living relative, by blood or by relationship.